Wise Words On Wednesday: Time Restrictions
“Time makes the combination of pleasures impossible. Because we live in time we cannot simultaneously listen to Cicero, Demosthenes and Bossuet; because the clock of our life is wound but only once, we cannot at one and the same moment enjoy the snow of the Alps and the refreshing sunshine of the highlands of Kenya; because the heart beats out the lease on life, one cannot, despite the advertisements ‘dine and dance’ at one and the same time” – Archbishop Fulton Sheen
This made me smile.
I’m actually reading one of his books (Way to Inner Peace) for Lent and am constantly asking myself why this is the first time I’ve read any of his works. It’s wonderful, and I’m finding so many modern parallels, despite it being written in the mid-50s.
Love Grandpa Sheen
I will definitely be looking into his other books once I finish this one.
A lot of the quotes from him I provide here are from his “Guide to contentment”
Thanks for the recommendation, David!
Also, if you haven’t read his autobiography, you really should. It’s powerful and beautiful. It played a big part in my returning to the question of my vocation. The priesthood never looked so beautiful.
Hmm, it won’t let me comment on your last response. Odd.
Anyway, thank you. I’ll add his autobiography to my spiritual reading list. Sheen has always been one of those authors I keep meaning to check out (along with Blessed John Henry Newman; I seem to find resonance in just about every quote of his I see), and so I’m glad I decided to read him this Lent.
The blog only allows comments to go so many levels deep.
Ahh, gotcha.
Hi David. First of all, I love your posts! =)
I read this the other day and thought about it a little, and I’ve come to the conclusion that, with all due respect to Grandpa Sheen, I would have to disagree with him on this one point.
Take the case of when parents enjoy playing with their children, or when a husband and wife are experiencing deep and bonding intimacy. In both cases, the parent or the spouse are (or at least can and should be) enjoying these things while simultaneously enjoying the deep and abiding love of God. In fact, when enjoying these things simultaneously, each thing (or relationship, etc.) is enjoyed even more. When I am enjoying the love of God, it makes me simultaneously enjoy each moment with my wife that much more, and vice-versa. Or take enjoying nature…often, the joy of feeling the sun’s rays is magnified by simultaneously listening the ocean’s waves. If we’re only in three dimensions, imagine what Heaven will be like!
No disrespect Grandpa Sheen! We love you. Thank you for praying for us =)
It’s a good thing that the love of God transcends time and space