Is your lenten Discipline going well?
It’s Monday again! How’s your Lenten discipline going?
(Thanks to Neal Obstat Theological Opining for this one)
"We are travellers…not yet in our native land" – St. Augustine
It’s Monday again! How’s your Lenten discipline going?
(Thanks to Neal Obstat Theological Opining for this one)
So far so good! Haven’t watched anything on my DVR and I’m already in the middle of John. I will have to add Acts when I’m done with the Gospels.
How are you doing with Facebook?
Fine, thank you :-p
Love it! They’ve done extended tests using this exact model that follow the kids for years afterwards, and unsurprisingly they found that the kids who exercised the most self-restraint during the marshmallow test (i.e. they knew how to put off immediate gratification for something better later) ultimately did better in school, scored higher on standardized tests, excelled more in sports, went to better colleges, got better jobs, etc. Who would have guessed that self-restraint and self-discipline could be so good for us?
… I forgot the best part: the fact that kids that young are able to learn and apply self-restraint and the value of waiting for something even better means that it’s never too early to teach them this very important principle, which can later be applied to other lessons of morality, such as chastity and purity.