Getting through the Catechism in a year
Do you want to know the Catholic Faith better? Have you ever wanted to work through the Catechism from cover to cover? Well, now’s your chance to go on that journey with some company!
Fr. Hugh from Dominus Mihi Adjutor just wrote about Read The Cat, a blog and podcast whose authors are going to be working their way through the Catechism in 365 days. Every Friday there’s a ten minute podcast in which fifty-five paragraphs of the Catechism are summarized and explained. If you want, you can read those fifty-five paragraphs yourself during the week…
They’ve only done one episode so far so it’s easy to catch up. I’m doing it. Who’s with me?
Sounds like a GREAT idea! I’m going to stick to my Gospels through Lent, then try to continue the practice of no-TV / yes-Bible to work through Peter, Paul, James and John. Slowly but surely. Then once I’m better familiar with scripture, BOOM… Catechism… Real Catechism… I’m also about halfway through the YouCat.
….and then the Early Church Fathers