Taking the Mickey
It’s known as “The Happiest Place On Earth”…
Many of my fellow San Diegans have been shocked when they’ve found out that I’ve lived here for nearly two years and yet never been to Disneyland.
Well, this last weekend I finally went. I had my picture taken in front of the castle. I saw Goofy. I managed not to tut too loudly or roll my eyes or shake my head too much. I went on the rides. I managed to keep my lunch down. I bought mouse ears…
I remember once hearing Greg Proops, an American comedian who performs a lot in England, succinctly explain the difference between the Americans and the English. He said that, to understand the difference between our two peoples, one only has to look at our differing reactions to Disneyland…
The American: “Hey kids! Look! it’s Mickey! He really DOES live here! That is AWESOME! Hey, let’s go get our picture taken with him, c’mon! YEAH!”
The Englishman: “Oh please…”
I had a great time at Disneyland which unfortunately must mean that I’ve spent way too much time here in the States. Thankfully, I can’t be completely converted since I still find the following video hilarious:
But just in case you think I’m thoroughly heartless…
EXCUSE ME!!! You went WHERE????
And how long have a few of us ladies have been waiting for you to pick a date to go????
That’s it, YOU are on the list. =P
It was very last minute. See the news you miss out on when you quit Facebook?
Phone call…email…the Telephone Tree (“I’m going to Disneyland, come if you can. Pass it on to…”)
Just sayin…
That’s soooo 1995…
The title you’ve given this post amuses me.
And don’t feel too bad about having just made it. Growing up a mere hour from the Mouse House in Orlando, I used to get asked constantly “Don’t you go ALL the time?! It’s so close!!” Yes, it’s close, and no, we didn’t.
I’ve decided my ideal job would be to write for a newspaper tabloid and wrote headlines with amazing puns.
Haha, you’d actually be brilliant at that…pithy headline writers being a somewhat rare breed (at least on the copy desk at my (non-tabloid) paper, sadly). Have you considered The Onion?
It’s actually either that or become a proof-reader. What a great job! I point out where people are wrong and have made mistakes and they *thank* me!
You do enjoy correcting people. :p
It’s not that I enjoy it, it’s just that it’s so often necessary…
Ugh I’m such a girl.. second video made me cry cuz it was so dang cute. haha…
BTW, you and Anne need to get a Gravitar icon….
Off to explore it…
I cried too, Jenna…
Do a happy dance!