You know, I don’t like this very much because it implies that Tebow either prays for the sake of being mainstream or that he tries to claim he’s the first one to drop to his knee to say a prayer. Tebow didn’t “mainstream” it, it was all of the loons (myself included) who parodied him. So, really, it should be a picture of a rando Tebowing rather than Tebow Tebowing for it to be appropriate.
You know, I don’t like this very much because it implies that Tebow either prays for the sake of being mainstream or that he tries to claim he’s the first one to drop to his knee to say a prayer. Tebow didn’t “mainstream” it, it was all of the loons (myself included) who parodied him. So, really, it should be a picture of a rando Tebowing rather than Tebow Tebowing for it to be appropriate.
Gotta stand up for my beloved Timmy