Office “No Shave November”
As I mentioned before, last month was “No Shave November”. A number of guys from the San Diego office also participated and yesterday we voted on the office’s best facial hair .
Here were the entries, together with Rachel’s description of the contestants…

Contestant 1: Ben Stiefel, Neighborhood Prowler and T-Bird Enthusiast

Contestant 2: Lewis Broerman, Amish Milkmaid

Contestant 3: Derrick Boden, Terrorist Anchor Baby

Contestant 4: Mike Rumely, Abomination

Contestant 5: Shahn Alware, Nearly-Professional Wrestler

Contestant 6: Jason Alderman, Unlikely Korean Pop Sensation

Contestant 7: Tyler Sample, the Power Behind #OccupyFloralManBlouses

Contestant 9: Rachel Vaughn, Founder of cHarmony and Inspiration for DMX’s 2003 Hit Single, “Where The Hood At?”
As for myself, I’ve decided to rock the “Evil Genius” facial hair for a while longer:

Contestant 10: David Bates, Virtuous Noblewoman
Tyler and Lewis were the winners.
I would have voted for the neighborhood prowler…
For real. That is impressive.
HUWOW…I think you’d get my vote not because you’re my friend, but because the look is priceless…and creepy.