The Empty Vessel
This is one of my favourite prayers:
Behold, Lord, an empty vessel that needs to be filled.
My Lord, fill it.
I am weak in the faith; strengthen me.
I am cold in love; warm me and make me fervent, that my love may go out to my neighbor.
I do not have a strong and firm faith; at times I doubt and am unable to trust you altogether.
O Lord, help me.
Strengthen my faith and trust in you.
In you I have sealed the treasure of all I have.
I am poor; you are rich and came to be merciful to the poor.
I am a sinner; you are upright.
With me, there is an abundance of sin; in you is the fullness of righteousness.
Therefore I will remain with you, of whom I can receive, but to whom I may not give. Amen
This was written by Martin Luther.
I think I’ll give him this one…
Yeah, that’s a beautiful prayer.
thank you for sharing this David, I’ve never heard it before.
A little bit of Protestant goodness
a little bit here and there has it’s good points

Pingback: The Empty Vessel – A Collection of Prayers
For 60 years, this prayer was in the sacristy in the Holden Village Center-Holden Village Washington. I memorized it especially 2005-10 when we were directors at the Village. We ARE empty vessels–we DO need to be filled.