Prophet and loss
On Saturday, Harold Camping proved himself to be a false prophet when no rapture materialized…
Three days before the supposed event, I wrote the following:
When the predictions of such groups fail to come true and Jesus inconveniently decides not to turn up, excuses are usually given e.g. “Jesus did return, but did so invisibly!”. I’m guessing that probably the same thing will happen with Christian Family Radio on May 22nd.
I just read the following:
“Radio evangelist Harold Camping said in a special broadcast Monday night on his radio program Open Forum that his predicted May 21, 2011 Rapture was ‘an invisible judgment day’ that he has come to understand as a spiritual, rather than physical event.”
Straight out of the Jehovah Witness play book! Camping’s prophetic credentials seem to be shot, but mine are looking pretty good, hey?
Did anyone read this rather strong Open Message to Pope Benedict ? It says that that there are hidden documents about the True Jesus and Judgement Day which are apparently stored underneath the Vatican.
I’ve just spent a little bit of time on this site.
If you’ve involved with this guy or his teachings I would urge serious caution – it seems like a mishmash of different belief systems, conspiracy theories and all warmed over with a nice dose of Gnosticism.
He even has his own doomsday prediction!
“You know not the day nor the hour….”