Sharing and Subscribing
I was busy getting my car serviced early this morning so I didn’t have time to write a proper blog entry. I’ve got few longer entries which should hopefully be appearing next week.
However, there were a couple of things I’ve been meaning to mention on this blog for a while so I thought I’d quickly address them now…
The first thing I wanted to mention is that I’ve installed some widgets which appear at the bottom of each blog entry that allow readers to easily share the articles here with friends on Facebook, Twitter and email:

Sharing widgets
Please note, you have to be looking at a single blog entry in order to see these widgets
The second thing I wanted to mention is subscribing to this blog. Quite a few people over the last month or two have asked me how to do this…
I post a link to every blog entry I write here on Facebook, so if you’re my Friend on Facebook, chances are that they’ll appear in your News Stream. This isn’t guaranteed though (depends on how much “news” your Friends generate).
You can also subscribe to this blog is to use an RSS Reader, which is an application that monitors a collection of blogs and lets you know whenever any of them have posted new articles. I personally use Google Reader, which I use every day to keep me up-to-date with my favourite blogs.
Alternatively, you can subscribe to this blog via email. To do this you must leave a comment on the blog (and please do leave comments – it’s nice to know people are reading!) and then check the “Notify me of new posts via email” tickbox:
- Screenshot of the “Reply” form
Please note, you have to be looking at a single blog entry in order to see the Relply Form
After you have left a comment and checked the tickbox, you will get an email asking you to confirm your subscription:

Screenshot of a confirmation email
Click on the link provided and you will then be subscribed to This Restless Pilgrim! You will then get an email every time there is a new article posted, together with its first few paragraphs.
In whichever way you choose to stay up-to-date, happy reading!
Nice! Thank you
Thanks David.
I want to subscribe to this blog. =)
I don’t think it worked. Just saying.