New Year Resolutions
Well, it’s a new year, which means it’s time for New Year Resolutions. Here are those available for public consumption:
1. Spend 30 minutes every day in Scripture: Commentaries and spiritual reading don’t count
2. More dancing: 2010 was an utter failure on that front
3. No more rushing: Stop trying to pack too much into a day
4. No chocolate: This is going to be a toughie… (Note: doesn’t include hot chocolate!) This exception has been viewed as “cheating” by most of my friends and has therefore been dropped.
5. Get into the best shape of my life: I’m in my 30’s now ya know…
6. At least five minutes of guitar practice every day: Gotta get better…
7. Keep proper track of my finances: Even if it is really, really boring…
8. Get back to England for a couple of weeks: It’s about time…
I don’t see “Visit Loony” anywhere…
Of all those, I reckon no. 3 is the least likely!! Let me know when you’re attempting no. 8 though
Looking good! Best wishes for an awesome 2011!