My Heart believes with eyes deceived

I was going to post this video after my Lenten desert time was over, but instead I’ve decided to do it now…

The above video is for the song “Intertwined” which was written by Ken Yasinski, sung by Janaya Trudel and produced by Clark Jaman.  The MP3 of this song is available for download here.

Upon falling in love with the chorus’ harmonies, I’ve pretty much had this song on a continuous loop for the last few days. Since Lent is a time for renewed dedication to prayer, and this song makes me want to go do a Holy Hour, I figured that I should post it now! Well, that’s my excuse and I’m sticking to it… 😉

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Bible Translations

One of my friends sent me an email asking about Bible translations and requesting an introductory post on the subject. Well Ricardo, here you go…

Before we start talking about different translations, let’s begin by considering the language of the original Biblical manuscripts, which are known as “autographs”. In what language were these originals documents written? Despite what Henry Higgins suggests, the Bible was not originally written in English…

true story

So, if it wasn’t English, in what language was the Bible initially written?  Well, the original Biblical documents were, in fact, written in several languages. Different languages were used for the Old Testament and New Testament, so let’s look at them in turn…

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Obi-Wan Kenobi is Catholic

Star WarsIn recent years it has been a difficult time to be Catholic. In addition to the priestly abuse scandals, there have been declining Mass numbers, as well as an increasingly secular society openly hostile to traditional Catholic morality.

However, amid these problems we still have hope. After all, Christ Himself promised us in Matthew 28:20 that He would be with His Church until the end of time!

We see other signs of hope as well. The priests graduating from seminary during the pontificates of John Paul II and Benedict XVI have been of the highest caliber and the traditional religious orders are flourishing. Oh, and it turns out that Obi-Wan Kenobi is Catholic.
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