St. Optatus of Milevis
Fatalism in Islam
Sahih al-Bukhari 6614 relays a story about Adam and Moses arguing and Adam says that Allah basically made him commit his sin that doomed mankind:
Then Adam said to him, ‘O Moses! …Do you blame me for action which Allah had written in my fate forty years before my creation?’ So Adam confuted Moses, Adam confuted Moses,”
– Sahih al-Bukhari 6614
The Torah is also a Criterion
I’ve noticed Muslims often place great stock in that the Qur’an describes itself as a guardian over the other Scriptures (Qur’an 5:48). However, the exact same word is used of the Torah (Qur’an 21:48)
Non-Biblical Sources for Jesus
Prepubescent Marriage in Islam
- Qur’an 33:49 states that a waiting period (“Iddah”) is needed if a marriage was consummated. This is to make sure that the woman isn’t pregnant.
- Qur’an 65:4 outlines three different categories of women regarding the Iddah:
- Pregnant women whose waiting period ends with the delivery of the child
- Those who don’t have periods any more have a waiting period of 3 months
- Those who have never menstruated have to wait 3 months
- Ibn Kathir’s commentary (14th Century) confirms who this last group is:
- “The same for the young, who have not reached the years of menstruation. Their `Iddah is three months like those in menopause.”
- Al-Jalalayn (16th Century) says the same:
- …and [also for] those who have not yet menstruated, because of their young age, their period shall [also] be three months
- Sahih al-Bukhari 5133 and Sunan an-Nasa’i 3378 (among others) confirm that Muhammad married Aisha when she was six and consummated the marriage when she was nine when she was still playing with dolls.