Where do you draw the line?

When speaking to pro-choice advocates who assert that unborn aren’t worthy of protection, I often ask:

(a) Is there a cut-off point during a pregnancy after which abortion should not be allowed?

(b) Are there any reasons reasons why someone might want an abortion which are insufficient? For example, if the mother wanted a son and was pregnant with a girl.

I like asking these questions because it helps lay out very clearly the limits of that person’s support for abortion, as well as that person’s reasoning for being pro-choice. For example, if someone says that they would be against Third Trimester abortions, then it allows us to probe for the reason why abortion in this case is wrong and not before. We can then see if there is any meaningful difference between the two cases.

What you can learn from Ben Shapiro in debates…

Since I posted a clip of Ben Shapiro earlier this week, I thought I’d also share this video I came across which outlines what we can learn from the way he argues:

As an aside, I disagree with the video’s author on the point about abortion. Firstly, nothing which Ben says about the unborn is not biologically, scientifically correct. Secondly, many pro-choice advocates would concede these descriptions, favouring instead the argument that the woman’s choice to end the life of her child trumps the child’s right to life.

“Fetus” refers to level of development

A couple of nights ago, I was having a conversation about abortion and my friend seemed confused over the meaning of the term “human fetus”.

I explained that “human” denotes that the creature is a member of our species and “fetus” indicates the level of development of the aforementioned human, much in the same way we use the words “infant”, “toddler”, “adolescent” and “adult”…

He seemed to really struggle with the idea that “elephant fetus” simply means an elephant at an early stage of development. So, with that in mind, have you ever wondered what an elephant fetus looks like as it’s growing to maturity?

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