Book Review: The Way of a Pilgrim

screen-shot-2016-12-09-at-1-54-03-pmI’ve been getting through lots of books recently. I’ve been intending to write reviews for each of them, but have been procrastinating. Therefore, over the next few days I will be publishing a review for each of the books I have recently read.

Today I’d like to begin by talking about “The Way of a Pilgrim”. This review is also published on

This book is well-known in eastern Christian circles and had been recommended to me by Eastern Orthodox and Eastern Catholic friends for several years, but I somehow never never quite managed to find the time to read it.

However, soon after returning to San Diego last month, it was announced that my parish would be beginning a study of this book during the Advent season. This gave me the extra bit of motivation I needed to buy this book and was subsequently very quickly hooked, finishing it in just a few days. Here’s how the book begins:

“By the grace of God I am a Christian, by my deeds a great sinner, and by my calling a homeless wanderer of humblest origin, roaming from place to place”

– The Way of the Pilgrim

I’m sure you can understand why this Restless Pilgrim loved these opening words!

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Read More Books Now!

So I just signed up for Brandon Vogt’s “Read More Books Now” video course:


The course comes highly recommended from such notable people as Dr. Peter Kreeft. I bought the course outright, but Brandon is also offering a deal where payment is postponed until the end of the course so that you don’t have to pay anything if you don’t end up doubling the number of books you read. Pretty sweet deal 🙂

Today is the last day of the sale, so if you’d like to join me in learning how to read more books and retain more of their content, head on over to Brandon’s site,

Vatican Website Updated!

*sigh*…the Vatican website has been updated again…and it’s still terrible.


Here’s a selection of my favourite comments about this that I’ve seen on Facebook:

At World Youth Day, Pope Francis did say, “Go, make a mess!”
The Vatican web-designers took him literally.

What the… Great, now I need to go to confession.

There are no ‘boing’ noises when I move the cursor to a hyperlink. Why are there no ‘boing’ noises?

I thought Lent was over? Why are we still being made to suffer?

The church should recognize that IE 6 makes Jesus cry.

Look, someone discovered how to use the <table> tag in HTML!

I’m not too keen on the Times Roman font. They really should be using Comic Sans!

You know, for an outfit that’s big on infallibility, this really doesn’t bolster their cred…

Meet the new website, same as the old website.

Maybe they used the folks who did the new translation of the roman missal.

Still Better Than Obamacare

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